As a former financial planner, risk aversion was the name of my game. Sound, thoughtful and well-planned decision-making was my professional and personal style.
So it goes without saying that resigning from my job on a dime without a backup plan was just a touch out of character. Risky as it may have been though, this move was meant to be part of my story.
Let me take you back to the whirlwind that was 2021. The ‘working from home but working more than ever’ experience of Covid - an experience I’m sure you can probably relate to - had completely changed how I felt about my job.
After dedicating 17 years to a career I loved, the signs of burnout crept up on me quietly. Yet, true to my type-A personality and determined nature, I kept pushing, believing that I could work my way through the problem.
Stress and anxiety slowly consumed me. At first, the doubt was a subconscious whisper. How did I allow things to escalate to this point? And then, one morning having coffee with my husband, the seriousness of my situation hit me. That same day I handed in my notice, with zero plans for the future. I just knew something had to change and change fast.
Fast forward to today and my life looks and feels completely different. I’m a qualified Health and Mental Health coach. My work has always been about helping people but this new chapter is profoundly more rewarding and inspiring on so many levels.
Learning to prioritise my health and time over the pursuit of money and so-called success has become my guiding principle.
Because here’s the thing - you can’t outrun, outwork or buy your way out of burnout.
So, if you find yourself edging towards burnout or simply wanting to reclaim your well-being, here are some of the big lessons I learnt on the way to finding balance and a more whole, fulfilled life.
Embrace the Power of Slowing Down
In our fast-paced society, we're constantly bombarded with messages that glorify busyness. But as a reformed over-achiever, I’m here to tell you the true power is in slowing down.
Slowing down lets us connect with the present moment, savour simple pleasures, and cultivate mindfulness. In these moments of stillness, we find the clarity and peace we subconsciously long for.
Give Yourself Permission to Prioritize You
We all have responsibilities and obligations pulling us in different directions. But here's my take: self-care must become a non-negotiable for you. I'm not talking about bubble baths and face masks (although they have their place!). I'm talking about deeply listening to your needs and desires, setting healthy boundaries, and saying no when it's necessary.
Prioritising yourself isn't selfish; it's an act of self-preservation and self-love both of which are essential if you want to give the best of yourself to your family, community, career or businesses.
Rewrite the Narrative of Productivity
In our achievement-oriented culture, productivity is often equated with success. But what if productivity wasn't about doing more, but about doing what truly matters?
Instead of chasing endless to-do lists, and mindless ‘multi-tasking’ (which is the biggest myth there is when it comes to productivity) focus on the quality of your work and the impact it has on your life and others. Embrace purposeful productivity, where your actions align with your values and bring you a deep sense of fulfilment.
Cultivate Playfulness and Joy
Somewhere along the way, as adults, we've forgotten the importance of playfulness and joy in our lives. We get so caught up in responsibilities and expectations that we neglect the simple pleasures that make us feel alive.
Playfulness isn't just for children; it's an essential ingredient for a balanced and vibrant life. So go ahead, indulge in hobbies, explore your creativity, and make time to do things that you love, completely unrelated to work.
Embrace Imperfection and Let Go of Control
Perfectionism is a sneaky culprit when it comes to burnout. Constantly striving to do it all at 100% creates immense pressure that drains you.
Instead, give yourself permission to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow. Sometimes done is better than perfect - especially if reaching your version of perfect stresses you out. Chose what’s truly important to you and focus on giving those things 100%.
Now, my journey has come full circle as I have the privilege of supporting women who are where I was just a few short years ago, to help them rebalance before they’re forced to stop.
I know that the risky decision to quit my job was meant to be. It led me towards a life of purpose, fulfilment, and self-discovery. So, if you’re feeling the pull to slow down, trust your intuition that something has to change when it comes to ‘doing it all’. A meaningful, well-balanced life awaits.
Here’s to more moments of stillness and finding your balance,
Amanda xx
P.S. Ready for change? Let's connect, I would love to support you!
Book your FREE discovery call HERE.